Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I place an order?
  1. Select the desired product via quick view or on the product page and add it to the shopping cart using the "Add to cart" button.

  2. Further products? You can now either continue shopping or proceed to the ordering process.

  3. Ordering process: Click on the shopping cart at the top right and follow the button "PROCEED TO CHECKOUT".

  4. After completion you will automatically receive an e-mail with your order confirmation.
How can I see my order status?
  1. If you are a registered user, click here to login.

  2. When you are logged in, go to your account and choose order history to see a list of all orders and their status.

For further questions, please contact our customer support.

What payment methods are available?
  1. PayPal (Depending on the destination country also Credit card (MasterCard & Visa) & direct debit possible without PayPal account)

  2. PayPal Purchase on account & Installment

  3. Bank Transfer (prepayment)
Can I place an order for delivery abroad?

We ship our products to Germany and most EU-Countries.

Goods which are shipped via forwarder can only be ordered on request. Please contact us via the contact form.

Shipping rates vary by order destination and amount.

How long does delivery of an order take?

The duration of a delivery depends on the selected shipping option and the respective service provider and destination country.

See Shipping Costs for more information.

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