reflecta® GmbH — Since 1967

The name reflecta has been an old and established brand name in the photo industry for many years. The company was founded in Nueremberg 1967 with the foto-film-production. In 1970 the company moved to Schwabach (close to Nueremberg) and the product program was continuously extended. The next milestone was the takeover of the Agfa-Gevaert production plant in Portugal in 1984. Slide Projectors and the original CS compact slidemagazine and slidemounts system were added to the existing delivery program. A further removal followed in 1998 to Rottenburg a.N Germany (closed to Stuttgart).

Today we are offering custom-made solutions for presentations and image processing for your specific purpose. As a result of the growing Digital Market the further extension of the present program was the inclusion of Slide- and Film Scanners and reflecta offers actually a range of 6 scanners and worldwide the only Magazine scanner DigitDia 4000 with Digital ICE.

A further popular product group are the Screens. We offer every screen from the low cost model till the high class and design screens to meet the customer requirements. We supply - next to our balanced and innovative delivery program - also Digital Dataprojectors and Presentation Equipment like Overhead Projectors, Projection Stands, Flip Charts and White Boards.

reflecta GmbH, Eutingen Germany


New headquarter of reflecta gmbh in Eutingen, Germany


Start the sale of mobile TV Stands for LCD / LED and plasma TVs


Presentation of the first medium-format scanner reflecta MF 5000

Presentation of the reflecta DigitDia6000 with a resolution of 5000 dpi


Participation in Europe's most important exhibition for AV technology, the ISE (Integrated Systems Europe) in Amsterdam

Participation at the photokina 2010 in Cologne, the leading international trade around the image.


Demonstration of reflecta USB turntable and thus the extension of Produktsortimens in audio and video digitization


Expansion of range of scanners with a CMOS-Scanner, reflecta X-Scan

Inclusion of the new screen Crystalline Series and, due to the expansion of storage space for over 4000 square canvases


reflecta presents reflecta RPS 7200. The auto filmloader allows scanning film stripes up to 36 exposures

Einführung des High End Leinwand Modells Cosmos. Die erste Leinwand mit Einbaurahmen zum EInbau in abgehängte Decken.


Introduction of the first Slide-Magazine-Scanner DigitDia


Digital Cameras were introduced to our delivery program.


Product range was expanded by projection screens for the home theatre.


Company moved to Rottenburg a.N. near Stuttgart. Distribution of LCD/video projectors and film scanners was started.


Take-over of the Agfa-Gevaert plant in Coimbra, Portugal , to expand the product range by slide projectors and original CS compact slide mounts and magazine systems. Further product range Accessories around the slide.


New portable projection screens were introduced with the reflecta system 4000.


Reflecta perlmutt (mother-of-pearl finish) was introduced as another high-grade projection material with outstanding luminance and purity.


reflecta superstar projection screen for daylight projection was introduced as the brightest projection screen ever due to a completely new surface coating.


Production of reflecta projection screens was started.


Company moved to Schwabach near Nuremberg. Production of photo and Cine lights, was started, distribution of flash units, projection lamps, flash Lamps and flash cubes.


The reflecta foto-film-projection was founded in Nuremberg. Product range: Projection lamps and Photo Accessories